
Holiday Fundraiser Update: We Still Need Your Help!

Holiday Fundraiser Update: We Still Need Your Help!

If you’ve been keeping track of our holiday fundraising progress, you likely know that we’ve been overwhelmed by your generosity, and that of our entire community. We’d like to say a huge thank you for the outpouring of support for the families we have adopted this season—we’ve nearly reached our goal!

We have just five days left to raise at least $4000, funds which will provide our families with a month or two of breathing room so they can put some money away for emergencies or other necessities they cannot afford. Every dollar counts! These families also still need some household and clothing items; please contact us via Facebook or by email if you are able to provide the following:

  • a washer and dryer
  • bath towels
  • girls’ shoes size 10 and girls’ clothing size 7
  • boys’ shoes size 1 and boys’ clothing size 8
  • The little kiddos one wish was for each of them to have a scooter

Please see our fundraising announcement for more information on how to donate. Feel free to help us continue spreading the love, using the #‎SwimIntoLove‬ hashtag, and be sure to read Coach Jodi’s ode to holiday giving below!

T’was the month of December and all through the school,

all the coaches were stirring, something’s up at the pool!

Their stockings were hung on the wall by the door,

with a bright, big message that wasn’t there before.

#SwimIntoLove, the signage did say,

“Help us help those who need us today”.

There are colorful papers, that read 1, 5, and 10

and it’s all up to you whose sock they’re stuffed in!

The coaches are racing to light up their tree,

they need help from you and they need help from me!

You see, Shannon and Amber have stockings to choose.

You could pick Lauren or Charlotte and you’re sure not to lose!

How about Danny and Kevin, Lucas and Ben?

With so many coaches, oh where to begin?

There’s Chandler and Jodi who need some attention,

but don’t go away, I have much more to mention!

There’s Kathie and Breanna, Ilse, and Hailee.

If it were all up to me, I’d give them some daily!

There are three more stockings hanging under those trees.

One for Mia, and Patricia, and don’t forget Aimee’s!

I know this had rhyme and certainly a reason

Help FLOW spread the love, ’tis the spirit of the season!